Century Glen HOA -- Supporting Neighbors and Our Community
Century Glen HOA -- Supporting Neighbors and Our Community
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88599547895
Hi! My name is Galina Atencio, and I am your new WNC Seat 10 Rep who represents the HOA of Century Glen on the council. You can connect with me at: wncseat10@yahoo.com
The WNC is the "WESTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL" which is a council of Neighborhood Volunteers who have chosen to serve as a neighborhood representative. The WNC meets monthly on the second Thursdays of the month.
In 1999, a revised Los Angeles City Charter directed the formation of Neighborhood Councils throughout the City. The goal was to give citizens greater access to City Hall and a more effective voice in City affairs. To carry out the Charter’s mandate, the City planned to set up 103 Neighborhood Councils, each representing from 30,000 to 70,000 stakeholders. A stakeholder, briefly defined, is anyone who, within the boundaries of a neighborhood:
There are 99 councils in city of Los Angeles. The Westside Neighborhood Council (WNC) covers an area bounded by Santa Monica Blvd. on the north, the San Diego Freeway on the west, National Blvd. on the south, and Cheviot Hills and Century City on the east.
Neighborhood Councils operate with a board of elected and appointed members drawn from each category of stakeholders. We consist of 17 voting members and 3 non-voting ex officio members who are chosen by the group they represent. A representative from the police and fire departments and the local City Council office (CD5) also sit on our Board as non-voting members.
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